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Operating System Questions

Why should a CSE student study about operating systems?

Define operating system. Why is an operating system treated as like a government?

What is a system call? Describe its types with example.

What is a context switch?? Show the diagram when the CPU switches from process to process.

Define a process. Describe two fundamental models of inter-processes communication system.

Explain the states that a process goes through during its lifetime.

What is virtual memory? Mention the advantages of virtual memory.

Define multithreaded process. Write some benefits of the multithreaded processes.

What is a thread? Differentiate between thread and process.

Briefly describe the SSTF disk scheduling algorithm.

Define Interrupt. Show the interrupt driven I/O cycle.

What is a file? Describe the attributes of a file.

Define virus. Explain the different categories of viruses.

What is Mobile Operating system? Write basic differences between mobile OS and computer OS.

What is Android OS? Describe its library architecture with necessary diagram.

What the study of Operating system is important for CSE students?

Write the difference (s) between firmware and an operating system?

What is system call? Describe its different types with example.

Write short notes on: VMware, System Boot.

What is DOS?  Is there any relation between DOS & Windows OS? Justify your answer.

What components make up the operating system kernel?

Stale the essential differences between the following types of operating systems:
Batch processing, Multiprogramming, Multitasking, Real-time.

Consider the Dining Philosophers problem with n philosophers but with n+1 forks; the extra fork is in the middle of the table and can be used by any philosopher (but only by one of them at a time). Is deadlock possible? Explain your answer.

What is a checkpoint? Write the use of it in OS.

What is Banker’s Algorithm? Describe the data structure used to implement this algorithm with necessary example.

What are the difficulties that may arise when a process is rolled back as a result of deadlock?

What is page replacement? Why it is needed?

What is Computer Security? Write some suggestions by which we can ensure OS security.

Describe CIA Triad with necessary diagram. How it is related   to computer security?

What is security risk? Write the procedure of risk assessment.

What is Mobile Operating System? Write basic difference (s) between mobile OS and computer OS.

What is Android OS? Describe its library architecture with necessary diagram.

What is OHA? How it influences the mobile handset market?

Write short note on Windows Mobile OS.

Why a CSE student should study about operating system? Is there any necessity of “analysis & research” about operating system for a CSE student? Justify your answer.

What is program in OS? Describe its different categories in detail.

Give the difference between multiprogramming and multiprocessing.

What is paging? Write its benefits for memory management.

Consider an OS where page size is 1,024 bytes. Calculate size and type of fragmentation if a process of size 72,766 bytes is arrived.

What if Effective Access Time (EAT) in paging? Is it possible to be EAT smaller than the normal access time? Justify your answer.

Describe the formula to calculate EAT in a system.

Define: Format, Bad blocks, Defragment, Scanning.

Descriibe Disk Scheduling Evaluationn Criteria.

What is Page Fault? Describe Steps in Handling a page Fault with necessary diagram.

Write formal definition of Computer Security. Describe CIA Triad.

Explain Dos, and DDOS attack. Write the basic diffrencess (s) between them?

What is differences (s) between FILE & Directory in an operating system?

Describe different types of Directory system in  OS.

Write basic mechanism of Chained file allocation method.

What is Disk Operating System? Describe its important features.

What is deadlock in computer system? Write the necessary conditions of deadlock.

What kind of information of a computer system can be expressed by resource allocation graph? Is there any importance3 of using such a technique? Propose any alternative technique (if you think that can be better for doing the same thing). Drawing figure for the explanations is highly appreciated.

What is Banker’s Algorithm? For which purpose this algorithm is used?

Write comparison of different mobile operating system. Which one is best in your judgment? Justify your answer.

What is mobile App? Write basic features of a typical mobile app.

What is OHA? Describe with necessary explanation.

Define operating system. Why is an operating system similar to a government?

Show the storage-device hierarchy according to the speed and cost.

Why do you understand by user mode and kernel mode 3 of operations?

What is virtual machine? Write the benefits of using virtual machine?

Define process? Show the diagram when CPU switch from process to process.

Name the states that a process goes through during its lifetime. Explain with diagrams how process state transitions our.

What do you mean by ready queue and device queue? Represent process scheduling with the help of  a queuing diagram.

Define multithreaded processes? Write some benefits of multithreaded processes.

Briefly explain different criteria for computing CPU scheduling algorithm.

What is the major problem of SJF scheduling algorithm? Describe the priority scheduling algorithm and also discuss its performance.

Define memory management. Explain why memory management is necessary?

Explain the difference between logical and physical addressees.

A variable partition memory system has at some point in time the following hole size inn the given order:  20K    40K     30K     60K     10K     35K

A new process is to be loaded size 25k. Which hole size would be filled using best-fit, first-hit and worst-fit respectively?

Briefly describe the simple paging technique in memory management.

What is process synchronization and why it is needed?

Define monitor? What difficulties with semaphores led to the concept of a monitor?

Write Peterson’s algorithm that shows the mutual-exclusion problem for two processes. How does it remove complexities in Dekker’s Algorithm?

Explain what a deadlock situations is, and when it can arise?

Why deadlock-avoidance is preferred to deadlock-prevention?

Define virtual memory. What are the advantages of virtual memory?

What are the principal objectives of the I/O system?

Define Interrupt. Show the Interrupt-driven I/O cycle.

Briefly describe the SSTF disk scheduling method.

What is a file? Name some attributes of a file.

Describe some operations performed on a directory.

What are the five major activities of an operating system with regard to file management?

What is a file system? Write some common file types.

What is the importance of learning operating system as a student of Computer Science & Engineering?

Describe any four well reputed Operating System in detail.

Describe the abstract vies of the  components of a computer system with diagram.

What is memory management in OS? Describe difference between logical and physical address space in memory.

What is swaping? Describe swaping with diagram.

How fragmentation occurs in memory? What are the types of it? Describe in detail.

Why CPU scheduling is necessary? Write the names of different CPU Scheduling algorithms.

What is Deadlocks? Describe the necessary conditions of deadlocks.

What is resource allocation graph? How it is used in handling deadlocks? Describe in detail.

What are safe, unsafe states of a system? Explain with diagram.

What is page replacement? Why it is needed?

Describe the basic page replacement procedure with necessary diagram.

Let you have the following reference string of available pages to get the CPU:
7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0  2 1 2 0 1 7 0 1

Implement FIFO, LRU, and Optimal page replacement on the above reference string and determine which algorithm is best in respect of average waiting time of pages?

What is paging? Describe difference between paging and demand paging.

Describe the situation when page fault may occur in demand paging with necessary diagram.

Write each step for handling page fault with diagram.

What is FILE? Write the name, extension, and function of common file types.

Describe different types of Directory structures with necessary diagram.

What is file sharing? Why it is needed? Describe different types of file sharing methods.

Describe the secondary storage structure of computer system.

What are the disk attachments? Describe each disk attachment with necessary diagram.

What is virtual memory? How it is implemented in computer system?

What is System Security? Why it is important in respect to computer OS?

Describe System Secuirty Problem in detail.

What are the standard security attacks? Describe them with detailed diagram.

Define operating system? Why is an operating system similar to a government?

Explain single processor system and multiprocessor system. Write the advantages of multiprocessor system over single processor system.

What is meant by system call? Mention the names of each type of system call.

What are the  differences between a trap and an interrupt?

What do you mean by a process? Show diagram when CPU switch from process to process.

Explain briefly about the contents of a process control block.

Describe the differences among short-term, medium-term, and long-term scheduling.

Briefly explain  different criteria for computing CPU scheduling algorithm.

Which scheduling algorithm is best offering you? Describe why?

Define single threaded and multithreaded processes? Write some benefits of multithreaded process.

Define memory management. Briefly describe the simple paging technique in memory management.

Explain the differentce between internal and external fragmentation.

Describe the process of overlaying and compare with virtual memory.

What is the purpose of paging the page tables?

What is virtual memory? Discuss its cost and benefits.

A variable partition memory system has at some point in time the following hole sizes in the given order:  20K    40k            30K     10K     35K

A new process is to be loaded of size 25k. Which hole size would be filled using best-fit, first fit and worst-fit respectively?

What do you mean by demand paging? Discuss the hardware support is required for thisi.

Briefly explain the LRU page replacement shame with proper diagram.

What is file? What are the operations that can be performed on a file?

Show the life cycle of an I/O request.

What are the advantages of using directory? Explain in brief tree structured directories.

What are the five major activities of an operating system with regard to file management?

Explain SSTF disk scheduling algorithm.

Compare the performance of write operations achieved by a RAID Level 5 organization with that achieved by a RAID Level 1 organization.

Define operating system. Why is an operating system similar to a government?

Show the storage—device hierarchy according to the speed and cost.

What do you understand by user mode and kernel mode of operations?

What is virtual machine? Write the benefits of using virtual machine.

Define processor? Show the diagram when CPU switch from process to process.

Name the states that a process goes through during its lifetime. Explain with diagrams how process state transitions occur.

What do you mean by ready queue and device queue? Represent process scheduling with the help of a queuing diagram.

Define multithreaded processes? Write some benefits of multithreads processes.

Briefly explain different criteria for computing CPU scheduling algorithm.

What is the major problem of SJF scheduling algorithm? Describe the Priority scheduling algorithm and also discuss its performance.

Define memory management. Explain why memory management is necessary?

Explain the difference between logical and physical addresses.

A variable partition memory system has at some point in time the following hole sizes in the given order: 20k   40k   30k   60k   10k   35k

A new process is to be loaded of size 25k. Which whole size would be filled using best-fit, first-fit and worst fit-respectively?

Briefly describe the simple paging technique in memory management.

Section B

What is process synchronization and why it is needed?

Define monitor.  What difficulties with semaphores led to the concept of a monitor?

Write Peterson’s  algorithm that shows the mutual-exclusion problem for two processes. How does it remove complexities in Dekker’s prevention?

Define virtual memory? What are the advantages of virtual memory?

What are the principal objectives of the I/O system?

Define Interrupt. Show the Interrupt-driven I/O cycle.

Briefly describe the SSTF disk scheduling method.

What is a file? Name some attributes of  a file.

Describe some operations performed on a directory.

What are the five major activities of an operating system with regard to file management?

What is a file system? Write some common file types.



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