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Microprocessor Questions

Define the term Microprocessor. What are 1st/2nd/3rd/4th generation processor?

What are the conditions under which the EU enters into the WAIT mode?

Explain briefly how the register in the 8086 are grounped together?

How many coatrol bits are available in 8086 flags? Describe those including their functionalitics?

Mention briefly the advangages of mnemory segmentation in 8086?

Indicate at least 4 different types of instructions whose are responsible for data transfer.

Explain briefly the flag register in the 80852 microprocessor.

Define these three terms: logical address, base segment address and physical address.

What iis the need for timing diagram?

Explain about `LEA’

Describe in details the working procedure of handshaking process when its  dealing with an outpour port.

How DMA operation is initialized in a computer system? Explain it with the aid of appropriate timeing diagram.

What are the tasks involved in case of interfacing a keyboard with a PPI.

There are only two pins are available in 82C55. whose are capale for internal I/O port address selection. What are those and how these pins perform it?

By using 74LS138 decoder, you have to decode distinct 16 bit I/O port address. Here, the initial two port address will be A2C8H and ACCAH. Sketch the address map also.

Sketch  the control word for 8254.

Explain in details about 8086 memory banks and associated signals for byte and word operation.

In which operation mode of 8254 will you see square wave and single pulse? Illustrate about them with appropriate timing diagram.

What are the advantages of microprocessor whem NMI pin is active.

List some features  of programmable interrupt controller.

Describe the response that an 8259A will make for these two cases: (i) If it receives an interrupt signal on its IR4 and IR7 inputs at the same time. (ii) What response will the 8259A make if it servicing an IR3 interrupt and an IR5 interrupt signal occurs? Assume fixed priority for the IR inputs.

Identify hardware interrupt and software interrupt.

Which interrupts ae generally used for critical events and how?

Mention some drawbacks of memory-mapped I/O. This mapping technique is conformable for which type of system?

Every computer system  allows several I/O devices to interface through its ports. If someone intend to connect any external devices directly (without I/O ports) with the system. Is this possible or not? Justify your answer.

Why it is obligate to provide status signal in microprocessor.

The term ‘memory-mapping’ actually bear what meaning?

Define microprocessor.  Discus about the features of latest two generations of microprocessors?

What is a microprocessor? Discriminate between microprocessor and microcontroller.

How many control bits are available in 8086 flags? What are those?

Shortly describe about Programmable Read Only Memory.

In case of 8085 microprocessor mentions at least five characteristics.

Discuss about the basic registers of 8085 microprocessor.

Briefly describe about any two addressing modes of 8085 microprocessor.

Summarize simple microprocomputer bus operation.

What is DMA? How DMA operation is initialized?

Point out some characteristics about DMA controller.

Describe about the mode register of 8237 DMA Controller.

Sketch the command and control port assignment for DMA Controller.

Define the term memory fold-back.

Compare between isolated I/P and memory-mapped I/O.

A system between 4 RAM chips. The capacity of each chip is 2K. Use partial decoding technique to interface these chips. Also keep in mind that here the initial RAM block address will be 0000H and it is an 8 bit microprocessor based system.

Define fixed address and variable address with proper example.

Illustrate the control word for 8254.

Mention the actual names of MODE0-MODE 5 operation of PTI.

Design 16 bit I/O port address by using 74LS138 decoder, where the opening port address will be D8B0h. Sketch the address map also.

Show the pin-out diagram of 8254.

Describe inn details about mode 1 stroked input for a PPI.

Summarized the port connection for the 82C55.

Mention flow-chart of a keyboar-scanning procedure.

Mention some characteristics about 82C55.

If an nterrupt has been requested, the 8086 responds to the interrupt by stepping through which series of major action?

What will happen if 000011011 binary patterns are given to  initialization command word-1 and 00101111 binary patterns is given to operational command word-3?

Why priority interrupt controller is needed?

Define interrupt and interrupt vectorable.

What are the components of a floating point number? Describe those.

Sketch and describe the control gegister format of an 80X87 arithmetic coprocessor.

Briefly describe about the control unit of an arithmetic coprocessor.

Why coprocessor is important in a microprocessor based computer system?

Define microprocessor. How many versions are available for 8086 microprocessor and what are the main differences between them?

Mention some function of an address decoder?

How many control bits are available in 8086 flags? What are those?

What are the enhanced versions of 8086 and 8088 microprocessors introduced by the Intel? Also mention the benefits of these compare to previous versions.

Mention at least five characteristics of 8085 microprocessor.

Which segment resisters are available in bus interface unit? Describe about them.

Point out three main responsibilities of the EU and BIU of each.

Write about the status flags of 8085 microprocessor. Also sketch the format of it.

Explain the function of the 8237 DMA controller when used for DMA transfer.

Point our some characteristics about DMA controller.

Descirbe about command register and request resister of f8237 DMA controller.

What is DMA? Also mention its function/.

Explain I//O-mapped I/O including its advantages and disadvantages.

Give four fixed address instructions including thir functions and data width.

A system contains 4 RAM chips. The capacity of each chip is 4K. Use partial decoding technique to interface these chips. Also keep in mind that here the initial RAM block address will be 0000H and it is an 8 bt microprocessor based system.

Illustrate the control word for 8254.

What is handshaking? How does sit take place? Explain with proper example.

Design 16bit I/O port address by using 74LS138 decoder, where the opening port address will be DCBAh. Sketch the address map also.

Describe in details about mode I strobed output for of PPI.

How can you program the operation of a programmable peripheral interface?

Sketch the pin-out diagram for 8254.

What type of operations can perform the 8087 family coprocessor?

If the 8086 IF is set and the INTR input recerives a high signal, then what will happen?

Briefly describe initialization command worod I and initialization command word 4.

Mention the importance of 8259A in a system.

What are STI and IRET instruction?

What are the components of a real number? Describe those.

Sketch and describe the status register format of a coprocessor.

Explain how the operation of a coprocessor is organized when it is working along with a microprocessor.

Why coprocessor is important in a microprocessor based computer system?

What is a microprocessor? Discriminate between microprocessor and microcontroller.

Give explanation shortly about BIU of an 8086  microprocessor with appropritate figure.

Suppose in an 8086 microprocessor the SP is decremented by 2 for PUSH instructions.

Which control bits are available in 8086 flag? What is purpose of those?

Point out some characteristics about 8085 microprocessor.

Compare between 8085 and 8086 microprocessor.

Write short notes about the different generations of microprocessor.

Draw the format of 8085 microprocessor registers and status flags.

Why decoding is important in designing microprocessor?

Design a port  address decoder which will  decode only 8 I/O port and foremost address is A000H.

A memory device has  15 address lines connected to it and 8 data outputs. What size words and how many words does the device store?

Give explanation about two  main control signals of direct memory access.

Declare the names of first five 8086 interrput and confirm their priority also.

Mention the consequence of CALL SUBROUTINE instruction in any microprocessor based system.

In case of executing an instruction, what will be the function of A17 / S16 and A16/ S3 pins after the first clock cycle?

From your point of view, which decoding technique is better? Justify your answer.

Compare between isolated I/O and memory-mapped I/O.

Ilustrate the I/O map for personal computer.

Briefly describe about basic outpur interface with appropriate figure.

Sketch an 8-bit I/O port address decoder, which generates active  low outputs for ports.

Mention the importance of interrupt pointer table.

At what time 8086 checks for interrupt request? If requested, then how 8086 responds to the interrupt?

How a priority interrupt controller is initialized?

Express the response that an 8059A will make if it receives an interrupt signal on its IR2 and IR4 inputs at the same time. Assume fixed priority for the IR inputs. What is IRET instruction?

Illustrate (with appropriate figure, Mode 1 and Mode 4 operation of programmable interval timer.

Draw the control word for 8254.

Express mode 1 strobed output operation of programmable peripheral interface.

Mention some characteristics about 82C55.

Explain the concept of segmented memory? What is its advantage?

What is an arithmetic co-processor? Mention the procedure of executings in a computer with a co-processor.

Give five differences between the microprocessor and the coprocessor.

Outline the status register format of an 80X87 arithmetic coprocessor.

Briefly introduce the flag register and their functionalities for 8085 microprocessor.

Specify sequence of events that occurs when one or more interrupt request lines go high in 8059A PIC.

Specify your understanding of pending interrupts and the way 8085 microprocessor knows about pending interrupt.

Explain the machine cycles with proper timing diagram  of the instruction-LDA 2050H. The op-code of LDA is 3A.

Distinguish between minimum mode and maximum node of 8086 microprocessor.

Discuss the various flags used in flag register of f8086 microprocessor.

Briefly explain control word format of 8255A PPI.

Write an assembly code to use a register pair as loop counter to iterate 1000H times. How do you overcome the fact that increment/decrement a register pair does not modify the flags?

Calculate total T-state delay produced by the loop in questions 4 (b).

What is meant by Programmable Peripheral Interface.

Draw the block diagram of 8255A PPI and describe the functions of its control section lines.

Briefly classify BSR mode and I/O mode of 8255A.

What is programmable Interval Timer and where it is used for.

Describe control word format and meaning of individual bits of 8254 Programmable Intervfal Timer.

Explain 8085 mask-abale/vectored interrupt and its handling process.

How to generate square wave using 8254 PPI.

What is DAM? Mention briefly the necessary control signals to understand the DMA operation.

Differentiate between memory-maped I/O and peripheral I/O.

Draw the block diagram showing how 8254A can be used to do bi-directional communication between two computers.

Describe the logic how synchronizations between two MPUs takes place on such   set-up (Q. 4-a)

Explain various addressijng modes of 8086.

Course Title: Microprocessor and Embedded System Design

Define microprocessors. Compare between microprocessors and embedded systems.

Identify the following Intel microprocessor into 4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and or 64 bit microprocessor family categories:
Intel Pentium Celeron, Intel 80486, Intel 8086, Intel core i7 and Intel 8085. Also mention their respective size of data bus, address bus and cache memory.

Draw the architecture ofr a typical 16 bit microprocessor. What will be occurred in microcomputer system if the RESET pin of its Intel 8086 microprocessor goes to ILLGH?

Define DMA. Briefly  discuss various types of DMA operations.

Mention the function (s) of CS and SI registers associated with architecture of Intel 8086 microprocessor. Discuss the flag register of Intel 8085 microprocessor.

Why so many addressing modes are needed in a microprocessor-based computer system? Draw the pin-out diagram of a 8237 DMA controller.

Define Interrpupt. Explain the architecture combining interrupt priority and daisy chain schem for handing multiple divices.

Explain bus request and command registers of 8237 DMA controller.

Compare between 8259 interrupt controller and 8237A DMA controller.

Discuss the internal block diagram of an 8259A interrupt controller.

How is an 8259A interrupt controller iinitialized? Explailn

Sketch the interface between Intel 8059 microprocessor with 4 4k*8 RAM chips. Also show the binary address mapping.

Explain the ICW-1 of 8259A interrupt controller.

Why is an arithmetic co-processor needed in microcomputers? Draw the architecture of 80*87 arithmetic coprocessor.

Explain the status register of 80X87 arithmetic coprocessor.

Define I/O interfacing with the microprocessor. Differentiate between memory-maped isolated I/O schemes.

Draw the basic output interface circuit and briefly explain its operation.

What is the role of 8254 pprogrammable interval timer in microcomputer? Discuss its block diagram.

Discuss the mode 2 bidirectional operation of 82C55 PPI with a suitable timing diagram.

What is ESCape instruction? Discuss the mode 0 and mode 5 operations of 8254 programmable interval timer.

Course Title: Microprocessor and Interfacing (Theoretical)

Briefly introduce the flag register and their functionalities of 8085 microprocessor.

Specify sequence of events that occurs when one or more interrupt request lines go high in 8259A PIC.

Specify your understanding of pending interrupts ajd the way 8085 microprocessors knows about pending interrupt.

Explain the machine cycles with proper timing diagram oof the instruction-STA 2065H. The opcode of STA is 32H.

Differentiate between memory-mapped dI/P and peripheral I/O.

Discuss the various flags used in flag register of 8086 microprocessor.

What do you understand by Programmable peripheral Interface.

Draw the block diagram of 8254 Programmable Interval Timer and briefly introduce different blocks.

Briefly classify BSR mode and I/O bode of 8255A.

What is Programmable Interval Timer and where it is used for?

Describe control word format and meaning of individual bits of 8254 Programmable Interfval Timer.

Explain 8085 mask-able/vectored interrupt it’s handling process.

How to generate square wave using 8254 PPI.

What is DMA? Mention briefly necessary control signals to understand the DMA operation.

Disttinguish between minimum mode and maximum mode of 8086 microprocessor.

Explain the machine cycles with proper timing diagram of the instruction LDA 2050H. The opcode of LDA is SA.

What is DMA? Explain how this is achieved in 8085.

Define microprocessor. How many versions are available for 8086 microprocessor and what are the main differences between them?

Mention some functions of an address decoder?

How many control bits are available in 8086 flags? What are those?

What are the enhanced versions of 8086 and 8088 microprocessors introduced by the Intel? Also mention the benefits of these compare to previous versions.

Mention at least five characteristics of 8085 microprocessors.

Which segment registers are available in bus interface unit? Describe about them?

Point out three main responsibilities of the EU and BIU of each.

Write about the status flags of 8085 microprocessor. Also sketch the format of it.

Explain the function of the 8237 DMA controller when used for DMA transfer.

Point out some characteristics about DMA controller.

Describe about command register and request register of 8237 DMA Controller.

What is DMA? Also mention its function.

Explain I/O-mapped I/O including its advantages and disadvantages.

Give four fixed address instructions including their functions and data width.

A system contains 4 RAM chips. The capacity of each chip is 4K. Use partial decoding tec hnique to interface these chips. Also keep in mind that here the initial RAM block address will be 0000H and it is an 8 bit microprocessor based system.

Section – B

Illustrate the control word for 8254.

What is handshaking? How does it take place? Explain with proper example.

Design 16 bit I/O port address by using 74LS138 decoder, where the opening port address will be DCBAh. Sketch the address map also.

Describe in details about mode 1 strobe output for a PPI.

How can you program the operation of a programmable peripheral interface?

Sketch the pin-out diagram for 8254.

What type of operations can perform the 8087 family coprocessor?

If the 8286 IF is set and the INTR input receives a high signal, then what will  happen?

Briefly describe initialization command word I and initialization command word 4.

Mention the importance of 8259A in a system.

What are STI and IRET instruction?

What are the components of a real number? Describe those.

Sketch and describe the status register format of a coprocessor.

Explain how the operation of a coprocessor is organized when it is working along with a microprocessor.

Why coprocessor is important in a microprocessor based computer system.

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