Home / Graph Theory / Euler Tour – Euler Trail – Hamiltonian Cycle all graph

Euler Tour – Euler Trail – Hamiltonian Cycle all graph

Euler Trail but not Euler Tour


  1. At most 2 odd degree (number of odd degree <=2) of vertices.
  2. Start and end nodes are different.

Euler Tour but not Euler Trail


  1. All vertices have even degree.
  2. Start and end node are same.

Euler Tour but not Hamiltonian cycle


  1. All edges are traversed exactly once.
  2. Some nodes (vertices) are traversed more than once.

Hamiltonian cycle but not Euler Tour


  1. All nodes are traversed exactly once.
  2. Some edges are traversed more than once.

Euler Trail but not Hamiltonian cycle


  1. Vertices have at most two odd degree.
  2. Some nodes are traversed more than once.
  3. Start and end node is not same.

Hamiltonian cycle but not Euler Trail


  1. Start and end node is same.
  2. Some edges is not traversed or no vertex has odd degree.

This graphs are very very important for any examinations.