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Database Questions

What is the relationship between data & database? Why DBMS is important than the conventional file processing system for data storage?

Describe different  levels of data abstraction with figure.

Define following terms of DBMS:

What are the Mapping Cardinalities in database system? Describe each of them in detail.

Draw an ER diagram for representing data storage and functional implementation of an Online Library system.

Write the differences between SQL and SQL Plus.

How a DBMS maintains integrity and security for stored data? Describe in detail.

What is a user Role in any DBMS? Describe the process of Creating and Assigning a Role with necessary explanation/example.

Write the main properties by which performance of any storage disk measured. Give detail explanation of each of them.

What are the Anomalies which may arise during database design? Give detail description about each of them.

Why database Normalization is important? Describe the complete process of database normalization in detail with appropriate real life example.

Why indexing is important in any DBMS? Describe its Basic Concepts with appropriate example.

Describe ACID  properties regarding to DBMS.

What are the different states of transaction in a database system? Write description about each of them, and explain their importance.

Why Concurrency Control is very important for the reliability of any DBMS? Explain with example.

Write description about any five popular database systems around the world.

Let you are a DBA of any well-reputed multinational IT company, you have been asked to select a best database system for the information storage of that company. Now among different available system which one will you select? Provide strong logic for supporting you decisior.

What are the different types of Failures which may occur in any database system? Provide necessary suggestions for reconverting them.

Discuss the differences between Database & DBMS. Explain the importance of DBMS in the development of ICT.

Explain view level data abstraction with example.

Describe five main function of a database administrator.

What are the necessities of creating different types of users in any DBMS? Desscribe the procedure of controlling.

Define: Role, Privileges, Revoke Privileges, and Grant Privileges.

What is a checkpoint? List the operations to be performed by the system when a checkpoint is to be taken. What does the recovery system do if there is a crash?

What is integrity in DBMS? Explain with examples how integrity rules are important to enforce consistent database states.

What is database normalization? Describe the normalization in a DBMS? When do these problems surface?

What is failure of a DBMS? Explain its classification in detail.

Describe remote backup system of any DBMS and how those properties remain unchanged after recovery procedure of any database failure?

Define Loock in DBMS. What is the importance of implementing Locks for concurrency control?

Write the difference (s) between growing phase and shrinking phase locking protocols.

What is transaction in a DBMS? Explain its different states with diagram.

What is Failure in DBMS? Describe its different categories. How  can avoid such events?

What is RAID? rite the importance of its use. Describe its different Levels.

Why is Remote Backup System? Showo an example of organization where it should be implemented and why? Propose architecture of such system.

Define: Data, Database and DBMS.

Is there any benefit of implementing database system in an educational institution? Explain with necessary example.

What is data redundancy? Describe with example.

Explain data abstraction with necessary diagram.

What are the Mapping Cardinalities in database system? Describe each of them in detail.

Draw ann ER diagram for representing data storage and functional implementation of an Online Library System.

Write the differences between SQL and SQL Plus.

Write the difference (s) between query and transaction in SQL.

Describe different states of database transaction with necessary diagram.

Why indexing is important in any DBMS? Describe its basic concepts with appropriate example.

Describe possible reason (s) of anomalies in DBMS. Propose necessary guideline (s) to handle such situations.

What are the different types of database normalization? Explain each of them with necessary example.

What is ROLLBACK? Explain its necessity.

What is RAID? Describe different RAID Levels with diagram.

Is implementing RAID an issue for hardware or software? Justify your answer.

Is diasaster recovery plan (DRP) important for implementing DBMS?  Justify your answer.

Define Lock DBMS. What is the importance of implementing Locks for concurrency context.

Write the difference 9s) between growing phase and shrinking phase locking protols.

What is transaction in a DBMS? Explain its different states with diagram.

What is the relationship among data, database and database system? Why DBMS is important than the conventional file processing system for data storage?

What is the purpose of data abstraction? Describe the different levels of data abstraction.

Are you a database-system user? If yes, then what is your type and why?

Define the concept of generalization. Give two examples where this concept is useful.

Let you are a member of a project team made to automate the overall functionalities performed in a Public University. You have to draw the E-R diagram of the system. Explain those considerations which you must take, and then also draw the complete E-R diagram with necessary explanations so that it will be easily understandable for the other members of your team.

Describe remote backup system of any DBMS with necessary diagram.

What is integrity DBMS? Explain with examples how integrality rules are important to enforce consistent database states.

What is failure of a DBMS? Explain its classification in detail.

Write the differences between growing phase and shrinking phase locking protocols.

Define deadlock. Explain how deadlock is prevented.

Write short note on any two of the following terms.
i) Data-manipulation language.
ii) Data definition language.
iii) Instance and schemas.

Define the terms: Lock-compatibility matrix, Lock manager and Lock table. Mention their purposes.

What is RAID? RAID systems typically allow you to replace failed disks without stopping access to the system. Thus, the data in the failed disk must be rebuilt and written to the replacement disk while the system is in operation. Which of the RAID levels yields the least amount of interference between the rebuild and ongoing disk accesses? Explain you answer.

What is hashing? Differentiate between static and dynamic hashing.

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