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Software Engineering Questions

What is the aim of Software Engineering? What does  the discipline of software engineering discuss?

Identify at least four basic characteristics that differentiate a simple program from a software product.

Define System. Discuss about the essential characteristics of Socio-technical system.

Explain Software Engineering as a “Layered Technology”.

What is meant by Critical System? What are the principal types of critical system? Discuss.

Write short notes on: i) System failure           ii) System error            iii) System fault

List some desirable characteristics of a good SRS document.

Define CASE. Discuss the importance of CASE tools.

List the major responsibilities of a software project manager.

What is the critical distinction between a milestonc and a deliverable?

Discuss various Key process Areas (KPA) of CMM at various  maturity levels.

Write down the major differences between expert judgment technique and Delphi cost extimation technique.

What is the necessity of a feature point metric in the context of software project size estimation?

Suppose an Embedded project has  50 KLOC. Determine  the Effort, Development time and Average staff required to develop the software product.

Enumerate the different types of Coupling that might exist between two modules.

Explain the concept of Spiral model in brief.

Write short notes son Structured Analysis (SA) and Structured Design (SD).

Draw the DFD for Online shopping.Clearly  describe the working of the system.

What are the main advantages of  using an object-oriented design approach over a function-oriented approach?

What do you mean by the term Encapsulation in the context of software design? What are the advantnages of encapsulation?

What does the Association relationship among classes represent? Give examples of the association relatioinship.

Point out the important differences between a Structure chart and a Flow chart as design representation techniques.

Define UML.

What is the necessity for developing Use case diagram?

Diuustinguish between Activity diagram and State chart diagram.

Briefly describe Client-Server architectural model.

Identify the necessity of testing of a software product.

What do you understand by the term System testing? What are the d fferent kinds of system testing that are usually performed on large software products.

Identify the type of errors can be detected during code inspection.

Define the metrics to measure software reliability. Do these metrics provide an entirely satisfactory measure of the reliability of a system? Discuss.

Identify two guidelines for the design of equivalence classes for a problem.

Define Software Engineering? Explain it with an Engineering approach.

Explain the term ‘Software doesn’t out’.

Write down the generic process framework activities that are applicable to any software project.

What are the types of emergent properties? Discuss.

Illustrate about the IIncremental model and also discuss about the benefits and drawbacks of using this model.

Without developing an SRS document, an organization might face severe problems. Identify those problems.

Write short note on Legency System.

Define the term System Analyst.

List some importance activities that a software project manager performs during software project planning..

Point out the major shortcomings of Lines of Code (LOC) metric in order to use it as a software project size metric.

Discuss about Milestones and Deliverables.

Suppose a semidetached  project has 10000 LOC. Determine the Effort, Development time and Average staff required to develop the software product.

Draw the example of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

State two major design activities.

Define CASE. What are the benefits of using CASE tools?

Explain the term equivalence partitioning.

Write in detail the characteristics of a good design.

Why is it difficult to gain a clear understanding of what the customar wants.

How does system engineering differ from software engineering?

Identify the aim of the structured analysis activity. Which documents are produced at the end of structured analysis activity?

Enumerate the different types of Coupling that a module might exhibit.

Explain in detail about COCOMO Model.

What does the term “balancing a DFD” mean? Give an example to explain your answer.

Describe about use case diagrams with an example.

What is the significance of Activitiy diagram? How will you draw an activity diagram, explain with the help of an example.

Discuss about Key Process areas of CMM at various maturity levels.

Why Unit testing is so important? Explain the concept of unit testing in detail.

Distinguish between White box testing and Black box testing.

Big-bang testing is not practical for large ones. Justify.

State the goal quality assurance.

Discuss the types of organization to which different types of ISO standards are applicable.

What is software Engineering? What are the key challenges a software engineer may face in software engineering? Explain.

“Software doesn’t wear out”. What does it mean? Explain.

Briefly explain the differences between computer program and software product.

Define CASE. Explain the essential attributes of a good software.

Explain the concept “Software engineering is a layered technology”.

Define software reliability. What is the difference between hardware & software reliability?

Briefly explain the RAD software process model.

Illustrate layered model of a legacy system.

Explain the reasons why dependability is important in critical system.

Briefly explain why there is a ciose relationlship between system availability and system security.

Define socio-technical system. What are the activites involved in system design.

What are the main differences between incremental model and spiral model of softare process model.

Which of the software engineering paradigmjs would be most effective? Why?

Explain the term integration testing. Describe different approaches of integration testing.

Briefly explain software cost estimation COCOMO model.


What is the critical distinction between a milestone and dileverable.

Brieflyl explain the purpose of each section in a software project plan.

Define project scheduling. How do bar chart and activity networks help in scheduling a project? Explain your answer with an example.

Explain the term software requirement. Briefly describe different categories of software system requirements.

What is risk management? Describe the process of risk management.

Briefly explain the concept of user rrequirements and system requirements. Why these rrequirement should be written in different ways.

What is system models? Briefly explain state machine models.

Define DFD. Describe a DFD model for automatic insulin pump.

Explain the term object aggregation. Briefly illustrate inheritance models.

Define Software. Write the characteristics of software.

Explain the term ‘Software doesn’t wear out’?

What are the generic process framework activites for developing software? Explain.

What are the keye challenges facing Software Engineering?

List three major shortcomings that we might face, if we use the classical waterfall model for developing all types of software products.

Write short note on Legacy Systems.

Briefly describe the terms Structured Analysis (SA) and Structured Design (SD) in the context of function oriented design.

Mention five inportand general skills and traits of a good software engineer.

Discuss about various levels of maturity in CMM.

Explain why boundary value analysis is so important for the design of black box test suite for a problem.

Point out the important differences between a Structure chart and a flow chart as design representation techniques.

Suppose an embedded project has 8000 LOC. Determine the Effort, Development time and Average staff required to develop the software product.

Why is it necessary to detect as many errors as possible during code review and  code inspection stages?

Enumerate the different types of Coupling that a module might exhibit.

What are the critical distinctions between a milestone and a deliverable?

Distinguish between a program and a software product.

What do you mean by DFD? Draw a DFD of Online shopping system.

What is it important to adhere to a life cycle model while developing a large software product?

In computer security terms, explain the differences between an attack and a thread.

What does the term “balancing a DFD’ mean? Give an example to explain your answer.

Without developing an SRS document, an organization might face severe problems. Identify those problems.

Point out three important differences between the function-oriented and the object oriented approaches to software design.

What are the most important dimensions of system dependability? Discuss.

What is regression testing? Why is regression testing necessary?

Distinguish between software verification and software validation.

Briefly outline the important steps involved in developing a software system using a popular OOD methodology.

Draw an activity diagram of Airline reservation system.

Define the metrics to measure software reliability.

Why is it important for a software development organization to obtain ISO 99001 certification?

Define CASE. What are the main advantages of using CASE tools?

What do you mean by the term software reverse engineering?

Define Software Engineering.

What are the attributes of good software? Discuss.

Define system. Write the essential characteristics of socio-technical system.

Briefly describe the Incremental model. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this model?

List and discuss the major responsibilities of a software project manager.

Define system design. What are the activities involved in system design? Discuss.

Define the following terms:
Accident, Hazard, Damage, Risk

Explain the major differences between expert judgment technique and Delphi cost estimation technique.

Point out the major shortcomings  of Lines of Code (LOC) metric in order to use it as a software project size metric.

Explain when you should use PERT charts and when you should use Gantt charts while you are performing the duties of a project manager.

Define Software Engineering and state various types of software in details.

What is a Software Process? What ae the fundamental process activities?

What is meant by Legacy Software? What types of changes are made to legacy system?

List out the dimensions of Dependability?

What are the Umbrella activates?

What do you mean by System Engineering? Briefly discuss the steps of system engineering.

What do you know about Decision table and Decision tree?

Define the following terms:
Accident, Hazard, Damage, Risk

Explain the concept of Prototyping model in brief. Under what circumstances it is beneficial to construct a prototype model?

Explain Requirement Analysis process in brief.

Write short note on:
i) System Analyst        ii) SRS document

Point out the major shortcomings of Lines of Code (LOC) metric  in order to use it as software project size metric.

Briefly discuss about COCOMO model.

What is the critical distinction between a Milestone and Deliverable?

What is Software Crisis? Discuss the reasons of Software Crisis.


What do you understand by the term functional independence in the context of Structure design? Identify at least three reasons in favor of why functional indepencence is the keyh factor for a good software design.

Briefly describe the Repository model. Mention some advantages and disadvantages of this model.

What do you mean by object aggragation?

Is random selection of test cases effective? Justify.

What do you know about Bar chart and Activity Network?

Identify the aim of the Structured Analysis (SA) activity. Which documents are produced at the end of Structered Analysis activity?

Draw a Data flow diagram (DFD) for Airline Reservation system. Clearly describe the working of the system.

Define the terms Cohesion and Coupling. Enumerate the different types of Cohesion that a module might exhibit.

What according to you is a quality software product?

Compare the relative merits of code walkthrough and Code inspection.

What is a coding standar55d? Identify the problems that might occur if the engineers of an organization do jot adhere to any coding standard.

Write short note on:
i) Big-Bang integration testing           ii) Regression testing

Define CASE. What are the main advantages of using CASE tools?

Discuss about various levels of maturity in CMM.

Why is it important for a software development organization to obtain ISO 9001 certification?

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