An Assembly Language Program to read one of the hex digits A-F and display it on the next line in decimal
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.MODEL SMALL .STACK 100H .DATA MSG_1 EQU 'Enter the Hex digit (A-F) : $' MSG_2 EQU 0DH,0AH,'The corresponding Decimal dgit is : $' PROMPT_1 DB MSG_1 PROMPT_2 DB MSG_2 .CODE MAIN PROC MOV AX, @DATA ; initialize DS MOV DS, AX LEA DX, PROMPT_1 ; load and display PROMPT_1 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H MOV AH, 1 ; read the hex digit INT 21H MOV BL, AL ; save the hex digit into BL LEA DX, PROMPT_2 ; load and display PROMPT_2 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H MOV AH, 2 ; display the first decimal digit i.e. 1 MOV DL, 31H INT 21H SUB BL, 11H ; convert the character into second digit MOV DL, BL ; display the second digit INT 21H MOV AH, 4CH ; return control to DOS INT 21H MAIN ENDP END MAIN |