An Assembly Language Program that prompts a user to enter a line of text. On the next line, display the capital letter entered that comes first alphabetically and the one that comes last, If no capital letters are entered, display “No Capital Letters” .
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.MODEL SMALL .STACK 100H .DATA PROMPT_1 DB 'Enter a line of text : $' PROMPT_2 DB 0DH,0AH,'First Capital Letter : $' PROMPT_3 DB 0DH,0AH,'Last Capital Letter : $' PROMPT_4 DB 0DH,0AH,' ***** No Capital Letters *****$' FLAG DB 0 FIRST_LETTER DB 5BH LAST_LETTER DB 40H .CODE MAIN PROC MOV AX, @DATA ; initialize DS MOV DS, AX LEA DX, PROMPT_1 ; load and display the string PROMPT_1 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H MOV AH, 1 ; set input function @INPUT: ; jump label INT 21H ; read a character MOV BL, AL ; set BL=AL CMP BL, 0DH ; compare BL with CR JE @END_INPUT ; jump to label @END_INPUT if BL=CR CMP BL, "A" ; compare BL with "A" JL @INPUT ; jump to label @INPUT if BL<A MOV FLAG, 1 ; set FLAG=1 CMP BL, "Z" ; compare BL with "Z" JG @INPUT ; jump to label @INPUT if BL>Z CMP BL, FIRST_LETTER ; compare BL with variable FIRST_LETTER JG @NEXT ; jump to label @NEXT if BL>FIRST_LETTER MOV FIRST_LETTER, BL ; set FIRST_LETTER=BL @NEXT: ; jump label CMP BL, LAST_LETTER ; compare BL with variable LAST_LETTER JL @INPUT ; jump to label @INPUT if BL<LAST_LETTER MOV LAST_LETTER, BL ; set LAST_LETTER=BL JMP @INPUT ; jump to label @INPUT @END_INPUT: ; jump label CMP FLAG, 1 ; compare FLAG with 1 JE @DISPLAY ; jump to label @DISPLAY if FLAG=1 LEA DX, PROMPT_4 ; load and display the string PROMPT_4 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H JMP @END ; jump to label @END @DISPLAY: ; jump label LEA DX, PROMPT_2 ; load and display the string PROMPT_2 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H MOV AH, 2 ; set output function MOV DL, FIRST_LETTER ; set DL=FIRST_LETTER INT 21H ; print a character LEA DX, PROMPT_3 ; load and display the string PROMPT_3 MOV AH, 9 INT 21H MOV AH, 2 ; set output function MOV DL, LAST_LETTER ; set DL=LAST_LETTER INT 21H ; print a character @END: ; jump label MOV AH, 4CH ; return control to DOS INT 21H MAIN ENDP END MAIN |