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Computer Interfacing All Questions and Answers
Define Computer interfacing. Write some characteristics of a microcontroller.
Describe the basic input interface with appropriate figure.
Develop an I/O port decoder using a 74ALS138 decoder that generates active low output to decode 8 bit I/O ports C0H through C7H. Also show the input and output of the decoder.
What is wrong with the instruction IN BL 45H?
What is PnP in PCI bus? Describe the requirements to implement a PnP fully.
Define PCI bus command. Compare ISA and PCI expansion buses.
Describe basic read operation of PCI bus with appropriate timing diagram.
What is stepper motor? Describe the use of stepper motor.
Suppose 8251 SCI interfacing with 8086 in synchronous mode with 01010110 instruction format. Explain it.
Draw the block diagram of 8251 SCI and briefly describe each block.
Describe power supply system with block diagram.
What is bar code? Describe the principle of barcode reading.
Describe the functions of the signals BUSY. PAPER, #ERROR, #INI and #STR of the parallel printer.
Compare fixed variable port addressing.
Define programmable peripheral interface. Describe the status of the pins of 82C55 PPI that is used to I/O ports assignment.
Describe mode 2 bidirectional operation of 82C55 PPI with internal structure and timing diagram.
Explain the command byte 10011100 of the command resister in the 82C55.
What is sound card? Describe the major components of a sound card.
Define MIDI. Classify MIDI messages.
Show the flowchart for getting meaningful data from a keyboard and explain the major stages.
What are the sizes of memory devices MEMORY 1 and MEMORY 2 as given in the following figure?
List number of data items stored in each of the following memory devices and number of bits in each datum? 2K X 4, 1K X 1, 16K X 1, 64K X 4
Contrast a memory mapped I/O system with an isolated I/O system. Explain the term handshaking as it applies to computer system.
Explain the necessity of decoding when memory device is attached to a microprocessor?
Discuss the function of an interrupt in a microprocessor based system. Describe the conditions which cause the 8086 to perform each of the following types of interrupt; type 0, type 1, type 3 and type 4.
What is 8295A? Also mention how many 8295A are required to have 64 interrupt inputs.
What is the function of 8254 Programmable Interval Timer? What are the different modes of operation of the 8254 programmable timer?
Suppose an 8254 programmable interval timer has a 2 MHz clock entering the CLK 0 input. What count value is needed to generate a pulse (Mode 2) every 5 ms?
Discuss the ISA bus and need of PCI bus.
What is a stuffed bit? If the following raw data are sent on the USB, draw the waveform of the signal found on the USB: (1100110000110011011010)
What is the purpose of the NAK and ACK tokens on the USB?
How stop and wait flow control method is implemented in the USB interface?
How many programmable I/O pin connection the 82C55 PPI has? List the pins that belong to group A and group B in the 82C55. Also mention two pins which accomplish internal I/O port section.
What is control word? Determine the control word for the following configuration of 82C55 : Port A – Output Mode of port A – Mode 1 Port B – Output Mode of port B – Mode 0 Port C lower (pins PC0 – PC2) – Output
What three modes of operation are available to the 82C55 PPI? Mention the purpose of STB signal is strobes input operation of the 82C55.
What is DMA? Explain why DMA data transfer faster than doing the same data transfers with program instructions.
What is the difference between a standard microprocessor and a coprocessor?
Explain what the coprocessor does when a normal microprocessor instruction executes. Also explain what the microprocessor does when a co processor instruction executes. Also explain what the microprocessor does when a coprocessor instruction executes.
Show the 80×87 arithmetic coprocessor control register and describe each bit or grouping of bits found in that register.
Describe the sequence of events as DMA is required by an I/O device.
Differentiate fixed address and variable address for I/O port.
Show the hard wired connection and describe the operation of a basic input interface.
Define Programmable Interval Timer(PIT). Describe the pin functions of PIT with its internal structure.
Explain the FIFO control register of the 16550 UART.
Write some differences between Synchronous and Asynchronous data.
Describe the read operation of PCI with necessary timing diagram
Sketch the flowchart used to generate USB data.
What advantages does the PCI exhibit over the ISA bus?
What is barcode? How data are represented in a Barcode?
Define Power Supply Unit (PSU) of a digital computer. Write the functions performed by a PSU.
Describe the functionalities of a MIDI system. What data be transmitted through MIDI and how.
Write some applications of sound card.
Define data acquisition and Microprocessor based system.
Describe the Mode 1 strobed output operation of PPI with necessary timing diagram.
Show the pin-out diagram and explain the function of the pins of 16550 those are used in DMA transfer and Modern control.
What is polling? Explain what would happen if this feature were not available in computer system?
Mention some differences between I/O interface and BUS interface.
Describe the pin out diagram of USB . Explain why +Data and –Data pins are used in USB?
Show the pin-out and explain the 25-pin D-type connection interface of LPT
If 1100110000110001000 raw data is to be transferred through the USB, draw the digital signal will be passed after encoding through USB.
61. Briefly describe the barcode reading principle using a Barcode reader.
Explain the working principle of sound card.
Draw and explain the block diagram of a basic Power Supply Unit with specific functions of its subsystems.
Discuss about MIDI IN, MIDI OUT, MIDI THRU connections.
Define the term “Computer Interfacing”
Describe about the basic input interface with appropriate figure.
What is the difference between memory mapped I/O and Isolated I/O
Explain the term “Handshaking as it applies to computer I/O system” .
Explain which way the data flow for IN and OUT instruction.
What are the advantages of PCI BUS?
What is the function of the pins – MEMW, – IOR, AEN, IO RDY and RESET in 8 bit ISA BUS?
Write short note on PCI express BUS.
Define I/O write cycle and memory read cycle of PCI BUS.
Define microprocessor based system.
Describe the interfacing process of LED display with an 8088 microprocessor through the 82C55 programmable peripheral interface with figure.
Describe the operation of a simple four-coil stepper motor.
Define parallel printer.
Explain the contents of the Data Port. Status Register and additional status port in parallel printer.
Describe the interfacing process of keyboard with an 8088 microprocessor through the 82C55 programmable peripheral interface with figure.
Describe how barcode represent data.
Describe the interfacing principles of sound card.
Briefly describe how music is produced by MIDI?
How is the interrupt request pin (INTR) enabled in the strobed input mode of operation of the 82C55.
Briefly describe the operational modes of 82C55.
If the 3rd bit of port C has to be “RESET”, then what is the control word of 82C55.
In strobed output operation of 82C55, What is the purpose of the ACK & OBF signal? Explain the figure.
Describe about the basic output interface with appropriate figure.
Explain the term ‘Handshaking’ as it applies to computer I/O system.
Explain which way the data flow for IN and OUT instruction.
If the 3rd bit (PC3) of port C has to be “SET” then what is the control word of 82C55.
Define microprocessor based system.
Enlist the necessary elements in microprocessor based system.
Describe the operation of a simple four coil stepper motor.
List the benefits and disadvantages of stepper motor.
Briefly describe how MOSFET device interface with a microcontroller.
Explain the contents of the Data port, Status Register and additional status port in parallel printer.
What happened when the RESET input of 82C55 goes HIGH?
Define TRIAC. Write some application of TRIAC.
Describe signal conversation procedure of sound card.
Briefly describe how much is produce by MIDI.
Define Memory mapped I/O and Isolated I/O.
Describe the process of computer data acquisition process.
Develop the interface of 4×4 keyboard matrix connected to an microprocessor through 82C55.
Which pins are general purpose I/O pins during mode 2 operation of the 82C55?
Describe the command register of 8237.
Why is it necessary to send an End-of-Interrupt (EOI) command to an 8259A at some time in an interrupt service routine?
Briefly describe about software programmable counter with block diagram.
Sketch the system connection for more than one 8254.
Discuss about mode 1, mode 3 and mode 5 operations for 8254.
In an 8086 microprocessor, what are the sources of interrupt?
What happened when the RESET input of a 82C55 goes HIGH?
In a certain situation, if both IF and INTR (input) are (set/high) then what will be the response from 8086?
Write the program for decoding 8 bit port address.
Describe about the basic input interface with appropriate figure.
Show the I/O port assignment for 82C55.
Describe the use of CAS0, CAS1, CAS2 lines in a system with a cascaded 8259A.
Shortly define the signal definitions for Mode 1 strobed output operation.
How an 8 digit LED display interfaced to the 8086 microprocessors through an 82C55?
Sketch the flow chart of a key scanning procedure.
Briefly describe about an example of Mode 1 strobed input operation.
Mention some basic DMA functions.
Define the following terms: simplex, half duplex, full duplex.
Discuss about the characteristics of programmable communication interface?
Which pins on the 16580 are devoted to modem control?