An Assembly Language Program to print Upper Case Letters from A to Z ( Simulation of While Loop ) .
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.MODEL SMALL .STACK 100H .DATA PROMPT DB 'The Upper Case Letters from A to Z are : $' .CODE MAIN PROC MOV AX, @DATA ; initialize DS MOV DS, AX LEA DX, PROMPT ; load and print PROMPT MOV AH, 9 INT 21H MOV CX, 26 ; initialize CX MOV AH, 2 ; set output function MOV DL, 41H ; initialize DL=A @WHILE_LOOP: ; loop label CMP CX, 0 ; compare CX and 0 JE @END_LOOP ; jump to label @END_LOOP if CX=0 INT 21H ; print character INC DL ; increment DL to next ASCII character DEC CX ; decrement CX JMP @WHILE_LOOP ; jump to label @WHILE_LOOP @END_LOOP: ; jump label MOV AH, 4CH ; return control to DOS INT 21H MAIN ENDP END MAIN |