Home / Syllabus / Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) Course Curriculum Syllabus

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) Course Curriculum Syllabus

Courses offered to the undergraduate student of EEE program (BSc in EEE)

Level – 1,  Semester – l

Course code Course title Credits
EEE 105 Electrical Circuit-l 3.0
EEE 106 Electrical Circuit-l Sessional 1.5
ACH 117 General Chemistry 3.0
ACH 118 General Chemistry Sessional 1.0
MAP 115 Mechanics,Waves and Oscillations,Optics

and Thermal Physics

MAP 116 Mechanics,Waves and Oscillations,Optics

and Thermal Physics Sessional

MAP 129 Calculus-l 3.0
MAP 131 Calculus-ll 3.0
AIE 124 Engineering Drawing 1.5
Total 20.0


 Level – 1,  Semester – II

Course code Course title Credits
EEE 107 Electrical Circuit-ll 3.0
EEE 108 Electrical Circuit-ll Sessional 1.5
EEE 110 Electrical Circuit Simulation Laboratory 1.5
MAP 133 Modern Physics,Electricity and


MAP 134 Physics Sessional 1.0
CIT 117 Computer programming 3.0
CIT 118 Computer programming Sessional 1.5
MAP 135 Ordinary and partial Differential


SSL 121 Sociology 2.0
Total 19.5


 Level – 2,  Semester – l


Course code Course title Credits
EEE 211 Electronics-l 3.0
EEE 212 Electronics-l Sessional 1.5
EEE 213 Electrical Machine-l 3.0
EEE 214 Electrical Machine-l Sessional 1.5
EEE 215 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 3.0
MAP 213 Linear Algebra 3.0
SSL 223 English 3.0
ECN 277 Fundamentals of Economics 2.0
Total 20.0


Level – 2,  Semester – II 


Course code Course title Credits
EEE 217 Electrical Machine-ll 3.0
EEE 218 Electrical Machine-ll Sessional 1.5
EEE 219 Electronics-ll 3.0
EEE 220 Electronics-ll Sessional 1.5
TEE 215 Signals and Systems 3.0
AIE 227 Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals 3.0
AIE 228 Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals


STT 223 Basic statistics and probability 3.0
STT 224 Basic statistics and probability Sessional 1.0
Total 20.5


Level – 3,  Semester – l


Course code Course title Credits
EEE 307 Optoelectronics 3.0
EEE 309 Digital Electronics 3.0
EEE 310 Digital Electronics Sessional 1.5
EEE 311 Transmission & Distribution of Electrical


TEE 351 Communication Theory 3.0
TEE 352 Communication Theory Sessional 1.5
EEE 300 Electrical Services Desing 1.5
EEE 315 Electrical Properties of Material 3.0
ACT 305 Financial and Managerial Accounting 2.0
Total 21.5


 Level – 3,  Semester – II


Course code Course title Credits
EEE 317 Industrial and Power Electronics 3.0
EEE 318 Industrial and Power Electronics Sessional 1.5
TEE 353 Digital Signal Processing 3.0
TEE 354 Digital Signal Processing Sessional 1.5
CEN 331 Microprocessor and Interfacing 3.0
CEN 332 Microprocessor and Interfacing Sessional 1.5
EEE 323 Power System-l 3.0
EEE 324 Power System-l Sessional 1.5
MGT 309 Industrial Management 2.0
Total 20.0


Level – 4,  Semester – l


Course code Course title Credits
EEE 400 Project/Thesis 3.0
EEE 403 Solid State Devices & VLSI 4.0
EEE 405 Control System 3.0
EEE 406 Control System Sessional 1.5
Elective l One course from Elective l 3.0
Elective ll One course from Elective ll ( Theory+ Sessional) 3.0
Total 19.0


 Level – 4,  Semester – II


Course code Course title Credits
EEE 400 Project/Thesis 3.0
EEE 407 Microcontroller Based System Design 3.0
EEE 408 Microcontroller Based System Design


Elective lll One course from Elective lll

( Theory+ Sessional)

Elective lV One course from Elective lV 3.0
Elective V One course from Elective V 3.0
EEE 444 Industrial Training 1.0
Total 19.0


Elective Course Divisions:

Five elective courses (Elective l – Elective V) are offered to the student according to the following lists.

Elective l

Course code Course title Credit
EEE 409 Power System ll 3.0
EEE 483 Optical Fiber Communication 3.0
CEN 443 Computer Networks 3.0

 Elective II

Course code Course title Credit
Indiv. Total
EEE 413 Power System Protection 3.0 4.5
EEE 414 Power System Protection Sessional 1.5
TEE 485 Digital Communication 3.0 4.5
TEE 486 Digital Communication Sessional 1.5
CIT 453 Computer Networks 3.0 4.5
CIT 454 Computer Networks Sessional 1.5

 Elective III

Course code Course title Credit
Indiv. Total
EEE 417 Non-conventional Energy 3.0 4.5
EEE 418 Non-conventional Energy Sessional 1.5
TEE 487 Microwave Engineering 3.0 4.5
TEE 488 Microwave Engineering Sessional 1.5
CEN 441 Microprocessor system Design 3.0 4.5
CEN 442 Microprocessor system Design Sessional 1.5

 Elective IV

Course code Course title Credit
EEE 433 Power Plant Engineering and Economy 3.0
TEE 489 Telecommunication Engineering 3.0
CIT 451 Multimedia Communication 3.0

 Elective V

Course code Course title Credit
EEE 435 Electrical Machine lll 3.0
TEE 491 Mobile Cellular Communication 3.0

End of the BSc in EEE Syllabus

Above syllabus is followed by HSTU.

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